Who was the genius that said it takes a village? That statement couldn't be more true. In this particular case I'm referring to it takes a village to raise kids, but it really could apply to so many things. As you may know by now Sebastian was hospitalized very unexpectedly for 5 days. No time to plan his stay or how the heck we were going to work out schedules with the kids. We are so blessed to have so many people willing to jump in at a moments notice. Because that's all we literally had. The kids are so fortunate to have a grandmother who will stop what she's doing at any given time to run to their aide, friends who will pick up, drop off or sit with our kids with no notice, deliver food, visit Sebastian or even get his stinky car home for me. It was a stressful time, but at the end of the day Sebastian is healthy and walking and we got the chance to once again see how awesome those around us are. Love you all!