Sunday, August 11, 2013

First of day of school x2

Both kids have been back to school for several weeks. Alyssa started 5th grade at Calvary and Jakey started kinder at Marshall.  I always thought my kids would attend the same school. Turns out as a parent you sometimes have to make decisions based on what is best for each individual child.  That is case for us when it comes to selecting schools.  

Starting a new school can be a little stressful, oh, and for Jakey, too! He was excited to attend school with friends from his preschool and also family friends. The older kids and families have been fabulous to him and us.  Jakey was walked to school on his first day by his "girlfriend" who happens to be in 6th grade.  We were then greeted by his other friends. Makes for a more relaxed first day for all. Thank goodness for the other moms who made sure my tears were held back until I left school and were so kind enough to check up on me as the days and weeks progressed. It's a great feeling to see moms and kids coming to find Jakey in line to make sure he's okay and to remind him to eat his lunch. So sweet!  I'm happy to report Jakey has settled in nicely to his new routine and school.  He has made new friends, is learning new things and has managed to stay on green the entire time! Keep up the good work!

First day of school!

First day of school!

Being walked to school by his favorite
Greeted by his friends
Lining up outside his class
end of first day

Families fun day at the beach. Cool when new and old friends come together for a fun day. Lis even caught a few waves.

mustache kiddos 

Don't be offended by the next picture.....

I always wanted candy cigarettes when I was little. Always told they weren't appropriate.  My friends bought them for me knowing this. What a treat!!! Turns out I barely got to try one before the kids took over.  I happen to think the picture is funny. I'm sure others will feel differently.  Such is life!