Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer is in full swing. We are preparing for vacation, soccer tournaments are under way and camps are starting for the kids.  Jakey went to his very first camp.  He attended the AYSO UK soccer camp. Alyssa attended these camps for several years when she was Jakey's age.  He was super excited to play soccer for 5 days in a row.  He played hard and had lots of fun. Proud of him!

Gannon and Jake on the first morning of camp

He imitates his sister on the field. All these years of watching her play has paid off for him.

Jake was awarded the Inspiration Award for his age group at camp. Coach Spence this award goes to a kid who tried hard and took some bumps and bruises along the way and did it all with a good attitude! Go Jakey!!

Never even cracked a smile.

Proudly showing off his award

Jakey and Coach Spence

The boys had fans at camp all week

Chula Vista Premiere played in the Rebels Cup last weekend. They finished their flight as point leader and then lost the championship game. The girls played hard. First tournament with all players there. Lis scored two goals against Fusion. The only goals scored against the team the entire tournament. 

Making her run to the goal vs. Fusion



Happy girl!

Beautiful shot in the first game.

We all thought it was going in, but it didn't. 

Big Win against Fusion. The look on her face is priceless!!!!

After medal ceremony with her Coach

Posing with their medals

I love getting picture updates from moms when watching my kiddos. 
"Simply Summer"

And received this one from their dinner. Mighty strong arms you have.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

School's Out for SUMMER!

Our new 5th grader and KINDERGARTNER!

Jakey is offically a kindergartner!!! No more preschool for him.  Driving him on the morning of his preschool celebration I was on the verge of tears. Walking him to his classroom and telling him it's preschool celebration day, I could barely contain my tears.  I had a lump in my throat the entire day.  I was reflecting on the time we have spent at ECC.  Between my two kids they were in every single classroom on the upper campus. Everyone was great to my kids and they both learned so much in different ways. I'm emotional knowing that Jakey is growing up so fast. He will be attending Thurgood Marshall Elementary school. He is excited to be with kids form his preschool as well as kids we know. One month of summer and off to "big kid" school he goes.

Receiving his certificate

Chloe and Jake

Ms. Minerva, Jake, Noah and Ms. Pam

Ms. Minerva and Jake
Ms. Minerva was the best preschool teacher he had. She helped him learn and grow so much this year. We are fortunate to have had her for his teacher. She was also Lissy's teacher.  She was definitely a blessing to our family.

Jakey's last day of Preschool

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Soccer tournament season has officially kicked off. Lis had a great start to the summer tournament season with 3 goals in the first game (pks and penalty), 1 nice goal in the second and another with a little help from the other team on her corner.

 Lis' corner against Rebels. My favorite part of the video is how quick she runs after the goal with her hands in the air to celebrate with her teammates.

Hands off! That's my BABY!

Got through to take a nice shot. Her favorite spot, off on the left side.  


One of these things is doing his own thing.....

Jakey is particular with whom he chooses to be social with.  I will tell him, "Jakey, you were invited to insert friends name here birthday party. Would you like to go?" He thinks for a minute and then usually says no. This past weekend he actually wanted to go to the birthday party. After a few hours he was sitting in my chair at the park ready to go. He said, "I'm just waiting for cake and then we can go home."  I was ready to go home and no way I waiting for this party to move along and serve cake to leave so I convinced him that I would buy him a piece of cake at the store on the way home if we could leave, he kindly agreed.  Not to compare kids, but Alyssa always wanted to go to parties/gatherings and Jake just isn't that kid. Love him for his honesty that is for sure.

Waiting for cake at the park. Thank goodness I ran into an old friend and chatted with her for quite sometime.

I am always caught off guard when someone at preschool asks me if I'm Jake's mom. My reply usually starts a why do you ask sort of tone.  This time it was Chloe's mom. Chloe really wants to have a play date with Jake, can we set something up. So the following week off to the park we go. She's a nice little girl who apparently has had quite the crush on Jake this school year. She even told her mom she couldn't sleep the week leading up to the play date because she was so excited to see Jake outside of school. Come to find out they will be attending the same school for kinder. Jake said he likes her because "she gives me my space."  That's definitely a way to Jake's heart. 

Chloe and Jake and the park

Alyssa has officially finished 4th grade and Jakey will wrap up his preschool career next week. Can't believe I will have a 5th grader and kindergartner.  Where or where does the time go?