Sunday, February 24, 2013

Holy FLU!

I'm pretty certain that at least one family member has been ill dating back to the end of November.  I started it with a cold, sinus infection/flu that seemed to last until after the new year.  Several trips to the doctor, one trip to urgent care and was even treated by the Disneyland nurse.  The kids followed with bad colds, strep and some asthma mixed in.  Sebastian really brought it home with what appeared to the be the nasty Noro Virus and was out for a good week followed by throwing his back out.  Just when we thought we were in the clear and the entire family seemed to be feeling better for several days in a row, Lis woke up early one morning and threw up.  Lovely! As many of you know, I DON'T DO VOMIT! We stripped beds, sprayed Lysol, cleaned with bleach, aired the house, threw out toothbrushes.....with the hopes of it not spreading.  No such luck. Jake followed up the next day by throwing up and continuing to vomit for 24 straight hours.  So I repeat previous mentioned steps.  No way this spreads beyond the kids, right?  I wake up next morning not feeling quite right, head to work thinking it will pass....nope, home I go because I feel it coming like a locomotion train.  I spend the next 36 hours ill! So again, I attempt to repeat previous mentioned steps, but before I can complete everything....yup, Sebastian gets it.  WHAT THE HECK!  If one more illness enters my home I may slam my head into a wall.  How many times can we get sick?!!!??!?  This flu season is no joke!  I'm hoping that the flu season is over and the Serrano family can be healthy once again.  Praying for good health!

Not an excuse, but sort of is the reason I haven't posted the blog on Jakey. It's coming. Stay tuned....