Several events have already taken place this year that have made me stop and reflect. Take notice of those closest to me. Really appreciate what I have. With that in mind, I thought I'd start the year with posts about my kids. This one will be about Alyssa and Jake's will follow.
Alyssa is my first born. The child that made me a mom. My guinea pig child. She is the kid where my strictness comes through. She has the biggest heart, has a genuinely kind soul, a great friend, a great sister (when she feels like it), an amazing student, a great soccer player and can talk like nobodys business. She has so many great qualities. She is just a good kid. I sometimes forget how lucky we are to have such a good kid. I know we can be extra hard on her, but I like to think some of that has made her the polite, respectful kid that she is. I was told early on if I didn't take charge with this one she'd be causing mayhem and it might be too late to reign her in. I'm happy to report that's not the case.
It's always wonderful to hear nice things about your child and sometimes you have to stop and wonder if people are just telling you things for the sake of saying them. I think parent/teacher conferences can be a bit of that. Your child is great BUT..... So this year while Sebastian and I were waiting outside of Alyssa's classroom for our appointment with her teacher we start speculating what we will hear. That's when her second grade teacher walks by and asks if we are waiting to meet with Mrs. Smith to hear what a great student Alyssa is. Ah sweet. We run into her aide from first grade who says something very similar as did her third grade teacher. Is it possible she has snowed all her teachers or maybe, just maybe, it's true. We had a wonderful conference and I'm proud to report she is doing fabulous. In her overall testing she scored in the 90th percentile nationally. Way to go baby! Keep up the great work, I hope she always continues to strive to be an excellent student academically. Her teacher also noted she makes wise choices in friends and is not only an excellent student but is a great friend to all those around her. Those are words all parents want to hear. We are so proud of her great work.
She continues to do well at soccer. Tryouts are upon us for the upcoming year. We've had several discussions with other parents who have asked us what we are planning for the year to come. Are we going to take her to another club, stick out another year. We left the decision up to her. She said this is my team and I want to play another year with my friends. So we will continue another year with her current soccer club, Pumas. She takes soccer extremely serious and we have learned this is her passion, what she wants to do most. Sebastian and I were discussing all the activities she has tried; dance, golf, tennis, softball, junior theater, cheerleading, swim just to name a few. It was extremely important to me that she be able to choose what she loved. Although some of the activities weren't fun for mom and dad she was able to have the experience and through that I believe it helped contribute to her love of soccer.
Alyssa makes us all so very proud. We are lucky to have her for a daughter. I hope 2013 brings all her little heart desires on and off the field, in school and in her precious little life. Love you so very much , baby!