Monday, December 16, 2013


This weekend Alyssa's soccer team finished the tournament they started last weekend in the freezing cold that was eventually rained out and WON! The girls played really well and it was a lot of fun to watch.  Great win, Liverpool!


The happy picture above turned into this

Procession before championship game 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

This is what we've been up to

Finally a picture of the two of them in their uniforms. Alyssa's new club is old school. You turn in your jersey at the end of every game to be washed and receive it back nice and clean on game day.

Reunited and it feels so good!
I mean....these girls are reunited and the parents are an added bonus. These two played AYSO and then nearly two years of club on their old team. Happy to announce KK has officially joined Lissy's new soccer club.  Jakey couldn't be happier that he gets to see his wife at soccer again.

Could the tournament have been any colder?!?!? My goodness, poor Jakey just wanted to wrap up in blankets. And then it was rained out. BOOO!!! To be continued next weekend. In warmer weather, I hope.
Fun afternoon visiting the very beautiful new downtown library
Selfies on the way to the library

Jakey found a book on trains. That will keep him occupied for hours

These two academic girls were in heaven at the library. Even made friends with the librarian who showed them how to use this "very old machine" and read about the day they were born.  Sebe entitled it "getting their nerd on"

Boys would rather use the computers in the kids center.
If you haven't yet visited, you really should. Something for everyone

Pearl Jam concert

Sebe's happy place....4 Pearl Jam concerts in one week for him. I even got a ticket to the San Diego show

Jake is a huge fan of Charlie Brown. More than I thought. This is the tree he said he wanted. All alone in the back of the lot. Sorry dude, not this  year. We stuck with the Serrano tradition of selecting a tree that hasn't been unwrapped. Point and grab. You get what you get and don't know what it looks like until you open it at home. Every tree needs a home and no use opening every tree looking for the "perfect" tree. So what if it has a hole or is uneven. We are happy just the same.
Jakey wanted to pose in front of the tree with his two trophies
Look who was Super Student last month! So proud how well he is doing in Kinder!
Jakey was so surprised and happy when his friend Gannon's name was announced for Super Student also. You can see Jakey on the stage calling Gannon's name and waving at him. It was so funny.

Dare he actually show his face for winning an award? He's too funny sometimes

The Super Students after the assembly

Lis continues to do well on her new club. They ended the fall league in first place. On to State Cup

Poor little girl didn't get out of the way and took one to the gut

Lis took the ball back

And continued on for a beautiful cross

Took pictures at Balboa Park for our Christmas card. The Galvans were amazing photographers. Who knew how hard it would be to have 4 people look the same direction, with eyes open, not talking.  Apparently pretty difficult. Hopefully I can find one for the card. and HOPEFULLY Mike Simpson comes soon to take family pics!
I do have an issue with the fact that my 10 year old is almost as tall as me and is wearing my shoes in this pic

The girls entertained themselves during pictures making slow mo videos. Too bad Grace can't stay on her feet.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jakey's Soccer Season

Jakey's just completed his second soccer season. Unfortunately he didn't get to play his last game because of the rain. To say he rocked this soccer season is an understatement. This kid "gets it."  He knows what to do, has the moves and confidence to boot.  He averaged about 5 goals a game. He had a fun season.

Thanks to everyone for coming to watch his games in the blazing heat and the cold, foggy mornings.

Never afraid to use his body, sometimes a little too much for my taste.

Jake and Ian started passing this season.  Definitely can tell these two have watched their older siblings play.

GOAL! Rarely shows emotion after he scores. Caught him smiling.

Gets the defensive game as well.

Loves taking the corners like his sister

Making another run for the goal

He has learned he can cut to his right.

And when he does he can get around the players.

Love his little form



Typical, his teammates cheering, Jake just walks away

Making another cut


That's his version of celebrating

I've learned that boys like to fall during the game ALOT


Just like Alyssa's old coach says, "he acts like he's been there before."

Who needs half-time. These two would rather wait on an empty field for the second half to start.

Some days it's just your day. This game Jake was ON FIRE! He could not be stopped.  No joke, probably scored 10 goals. He was taking throw-ins, corners, goal kicks, running all over the field. I honestly don't ever think I've seen him like that on the field.  So fun to watch!

Even got to the point where he was laughing as he was dribbling towards the other team. According to him, "he was making his moves."

Totally gets that you have to get your body in front of it.

This turns into a goal!

Yep, one more.

Following is a sequence to one of his goals.

Love how he is in total sync with his teammate, Ian.


Just like his sister

Awesome season, Jakey! So very proud of you #6.