Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation and of course.....Soccer

The Serrano's just returned from a week long vacation in Vegas. Of course before we were able to leave town we had to fit in a soccer tournament.  We planned the vacation prior to the tournament being scheduled so tough decision to be made, do we stay or do we go. Alyssa played Saturday and we decided to stick around for the 8:00 am Sunday game before heading out of town.  We didn't stay for the final game against the Surf, which isn't something I normally would do, but we had reservations and this family really needed a vacation.  The Pumas placed second in the tournament. Three tournaments played and the Pumas have placed in all three!!!  Exciting summer season thus far.  


Pumas tied the Rebels 2-2 to make it to the finals in the tournament. Alyssa scored both goals! Go BABY!

Alyssa's goal, but she's not even in the picture

Celebrating with Vero after she scored

And with Kailey

Celebrating moving on to the finals with Lexi

We stayed at our timeshare in Vegas for our trip, but stayed one night at the Golden Nugget so the kids could swim by the shark tank. Two more months until Hawaii. I can make it until then, I can make it until then, I can make it until then!

First night. Downtown Vegas

Alyssa and I went zip-lining down Fremont Street. The screaming would be me, not Lis.

Movie rental at the timeshare. Classic choice, Gremlins!

Pool and ping pong at the timeshare

Jakey's request for a picture by this light.

Jakey and Mady being dogs. A favorite game of the Getty/Serrano kids.

We went to the Pinball Hall of Fame.  

SeaWorld camp with Fire Foxes/Kinders
Isa, Sarah, Lis, Sean

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Time flies by. Alyssa asked me today, "Mom, what happened to the blog?"  Excellent question. I've been meaning to post for a few weeks and time gets away from me.  When I'm home and have down time I honestly want to zone out.  We've been busy, busy, busy.  This weekend was our first free weekend in some time and believe me, we relished in the free time. Went to the drive-in, cleaned house, kids were in and out of the pool (continuing to bring the cost per average down) and had time to play with friends we don't get to see that often.  Not certain Jakey knew what to do without soccer. He woke up Saturday morning asking if Alyssa had soccer. When the answer was no, he said in his typical whiny voice, "then what are we going to do?". We've looked at the calendar for the next month and not a free weekend in sight.  Oh well.  Makes us appreciate the time we have at home that much more.
Pumas played in another tournament. The girls did well and were finalist (second place). They got a little taste of the LA teams which was good experience.  I don't enjoy watching rough/dirty soccer, but I guess the girls are going to have to get used to it.

Breast Cancer tournament, pink it up!

Awesome shot in the championship game

I hate to say it, but sometimes you've got to be aggressive back. 


Coach Guy and Coach Ralph with Lis


Spent Father's Day weekend in Newport Beach and then off to the Galaxy Game. I suppose you could consider that a treat for the mom's too. David Beckham, oh yay!

Look at our awesome seats at the game.  David Beckham's corner kick, right there in front of my eyes. AH, he's pretty!!!!

Summer is here and that means musical beds. I thought Jake slept in his bed, but this is where I found him in the morning. Sometimes they do love each other. 

Jakey, Mady and Natalie (Siblings all play on Pumas)

We went to the Del Mar Fair to watch Sarah (fellow teammate, Fire Foxes/Pumas) and her Mom, Pauline dance at the fair. Guess who we ran into, kinders, Vincent and Sean.
Vincent, Sean, (kinders) Mady, Lis, Sarah and Isa (Fire Foxes/Kinder)

Kids all wanted to win fish. The littles won an extra fish.
Isa took home a tadpole.  All fish died within a few days.
The difference between boys and girls, Jakey saw his fish was dead
and laughed. Lis saw her fish dead and cried.  

 Jakey enjoyed riding on rides all by himself.

When I hear yelling from the backseat and Alyssa quickly chimes in and says nothings going sure next time NOT to take a picture of what you are doing. Can't say it wasn't you, blue nail polish and all.

Alyssa and Sean (kinders and still classmates)
These two love/hate/love each other. They hit, push, fight, and then definitely have each other's back. Enjoying a day at SeaWorld. They were so excited to ride Manta. They loved it, the mom's not so much.

Jakey finished pre-K. He will be enjoying one more year of preschool.  
Can't you just see the enthusiasm in his face during the end of year awards?  He honestly could care less. What am I going to do with this one?

We enjoyed a Friday night out to celebrate a friend's birthday. Sebastian and I keep saying this should just be standard Friday night.