Friday, November 11, 2011


Geckos won 4-2...Isa scored the first goal and Alyssa scored the next 3. Shouldn't have been that close. My battery died during the first quarter so only a few pictures taken.

Kids went to a friend's birthday party at the pumpkin patch.

Eat the donut without it falling off the string

Jakey's turn

Riding in the jeep.... which finger is that kid?

Far cry from the time he rode the swings and wouldn't even move (next pic)

Front of the train...LUCKY!

Tailgating before Aztec game
Lisa, Mary Lin, Secorra, Traci and Cora

Jakey went on his very first field trip.
Attempting a class picture

Picked his pumpkin

Halloween! Cleopatra and Fireman