We have 4 regular season games left and then the season is over. Fingers crossed for playoffs. The guys have done such an amazing job with this team, it would be a true disappointment if they don't make it. They all honestly deserve to be there.
When we got home after the soccer game on Saturday I noticed our neighbors had major water running down their driveway. I asked Sebastian to go next door and tell them about their leak. I left and took the kids to a birthday party thinking all was well. Who knew that all that water was coming from our backyard. Yikes! Water had to be shut off in the house until the problem could be diagnosed. What is an entire family to do with no running water you ask? Go to the Getty's of course. Thank goodness for their casita. Sebastian always jokes about staying there since he has a key and all. Who knew the entire family would have to have a slumber party. We made a fun evening out of a bummer problem. Sunday Papa Walt fixed the pipe in a matter of minutes. All is well now. So glad we were able to have a great time in-spite of the leak. Thanks to the Getty's for being great hosts and letting us crash their weekend!
this is what a tired little boy looks like after a weekend of festivities