Alyssa and her second grade teacher, Mrs. Bloom
Calvary Christian Academy held their annual end of year Academy Awards on Friday evening. Alyssa was anxious to see if she would be receiving a medal for straight A's all four quarters and a medal for Christian Leadership all four quarters. As I walked her into her classroom before the awards ceremony the smile on her face said it all.....two bright and shiny medals sitting on her desk waiting for her to wear into the school-wide awards ceremony. She worked hard all year long for those medals. I have to digress for a moment, a few days prior to the awards ceremony I received an email that stated Alyssa had been nominated for the John Loving Round Table Award. What's that you ask? I had no idea either. It was new to the awards ceremony. But the mere fact that the email said it was a blessing to be nominated made me think that there was no chance in hell (pardon my non-Christian language) that she would win. So as the ceremony progressed I was just so very proud that she was one of only 4 second graders to earn straight A's all four quarters (and may I just add, insert bragging here, she's had straight A's two years in a row). Once the second grade awards were finished I put my camera down and prepared myself for the remaining awards that did not include Alyssa. Then the big moment came. The John Loving Round Table Awards. The principal of K-8 described what the awards were and who made up the voting panel. The description of the second award was announced and I thought if Alyssa is going to win (which I honestly didn't think was the case, as you will see I didn't even change the lens on the camera) they announced and the winner for K-5 is...... Alyssa Serrano! The reaction on Alyssa's face was priceless! She stood up from her seat and made the walk all alone onto the stage to accept her trophy. She looked so young and little up on the stage. The pride gleaming from her was a beautiful thing to witness. She works so very hard at school, getting good grades and being a great student are very important to her. It is definitely reflected in the awards she won at school.
She is entering her final week of second grade. Of course she is sad and already talking about not wanting school to end and not wanting to leave Mrs. Bloom. She is the only kid I know that cries on the LAST day of school. In this house, Mom is the happiest of all that the school year is over. If she doesn't need summer vacation, I SURE DO!
Congratulations, Alyssa! You are an amazing student and friend to your classmates. We are all so very proud of you and love you so very much! Keep up the hard work and determination in third grade! Love you!
On stage (l to r Sophie O, Makenna and Lis)
Alyssa and Makenna
I tried to upload a very blurry shot of Alyssa accepting her award to show how unprepared I was, but it won't upload. Such is life!
On stage receiving her tropy
In the photobooth set up at school