Monday, December 6, 2010

more edited pictures

I will spare you and won't share the 562 pictures Mike took. No joke, over 500 pictures of my happy little family. I'm so in love with most of them....but here are a few more.

Honestly, who knew Jake could smile?

Love love love him! He's so adorable!

Crazy kiddos!

They look so old! Growing up way too fast!

Fresh haircuts and matching polo my men!

Jakey having a little bit of fun.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Card Pictures

We've had the privilege of having Mike Simpson visit us for a little fun and family photography session. He's amazing! Lucky for us he traveled all the way from Colorado to take our pictures. If you are ever in Colorado you MUST have your pictures taken by Mike. Or, maybe if you are lucky, the next time he's in town you can schedule a sitting. Check out his website at I wish I could share all of the pictures, but I don't want to give away our Christmas card. Here's a sneak peak of pictures that won't be on our Christmas card..... (pictures haven't been edited by Mike just yet, but of course I couldn't wait)

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A little stop by the train museum and Jake was in heaven!

The funny thing is this wasn't even a pose. Just a random shot he got, but I like it!

Quite the little poser. She couldn't wait until the camera was turned on her

He's so adorable and such a big boy. No pictures of him screaming! Not one....not even kidding!