Monday, November 22, 2010

Seriously?!?!?!? I'm behind again!

Geez! I can't seem to keep up these days. We've been busy, but nothing out of the ordinary. So no valid excuse for missing another week.

Fire Foxes season has come to an end. Last season I remember the end couldn't come soon enough. It almost felt painful. Now I realize we experienced that for a reason. Without it, Secorra and I wouldn't have talked our fabulous husbands into coaching this year. It was all meant to be. I can't say enough positive things about the coaches. Aron and Sebastian outdid themselves. The girls all learned so much and had so much fun along the way. The enthusiasm at each and every game and each and every practice was evident. The girls dominated the season. The other teams only averaged less than one goal a game against the Fire Foxes all season. The girls ended the season with 4 shut-out games in a row and averaged over 10 goals a game. Just a side bragging note, my daughter scored the most goals on her team all season! Go baby! (I have also just been informed by my husband that yelling go baby is embarrassing and I possibly need to stop doing so....LAME) I'm so proud of Alyssa for overcoming what must have been some sort of mental "thing" at the beginning of the season and making her big comeback. Her love for the game is back!

Fire Foxes

After every goal the Fire Foxes scored they all hustled right back for another kick off. Always ready to go!

Season number 4 with the Getty's. Best season yet! Way to go Coach Aron and Sebastian!

We celebrated the end of the season on Sunday with their team party. It was so fun to see the girls get their trophies and end of year surprises. I even said a few sappy words about my husband and soccer husband. Why can't I ever get through saying anything nice without crying?The girls sang happy birthday fire foxes to themselves with their cake. What a funny group of girls, and better yet, what an overall great group of girls! I think all the kids, parents included, all made friends along the way. What more can you ask for?!?!? Well to be together again next season of course!

Girls singing happy birthday Fire Foxes, so silly!

Alyssa receiving her trophy from Coach Aron

Alyssa's Auntie K and Cathy came for a nice visit. I can't believe I don't have a single picture to post of their trip. I'm really slacking these days. Cathy hasn't seen Alyssa since she was 3! My how times have changed. Looking forward to heading their way in April for spring break. Last time we were there we celebrated Alyssa's 3rd birthday, this time we will celebrate her 8th! Yikes, how can that be?!?!!? Sniff sniff...

While Auntie K was visiting, Sebastian took Jakey to the desert. Went for a night, came back for soccer and headed back for another night. Jakey could hardly wait to go back. He apparently loves the desert. So obvious he didn't get that from me. He loved playing in the dirt and loves telling the story how the dune buggy got stuck in the sand and he had to call Papa Walt to save them. While they were away, Alyssa spent the night at her Nana's and mom was home all alone! That has never happened. My house was so completely quiet I actually sat in the dark allby myself enjoying the piece and quiet. I was even so kind to share my quiet house with Secorra for an evening of adult conversation and wine. It was like a vacation in my own home! If that is what a desert weekend entails I'm so IN!

Jakey's "buggy", same color as dad's

Apparently throwing dirt in the desert is hours of fun

Alyssa, Jake and I headed to Build-a-Bear Saturday night to meet some friends for some mom-kid time while the dads headed to the football game. Before we left Sebastian gave the kids the same speech he always does, "no sound, no clothes. Repeat after me, no sound, no clothes." Needless to say Alyssa talked her way into a FULLY clothed bear and Jakey couldn't have a Star Wars bear without the music. Jake only has one other Build-a-Bear, Camo. How is it with so many animals in that store to choose from he heads straight to the bear he already has. Luckily I talked him out of it, but couldn't talk him out of naming his new bear the same exact name as his other bear...CAMO. He's going to be the kid that names all his pets the same thing regardless of its species.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Last couple of weeks

The last few weeks have been fun. Jake just finished his last swim class. He is going to take a break during the winter months. He is going to be so sad. Everyday he either says, "schoo tomorro" or "swim tomorro". He loves having somewhere to go everyday. I better get busy finding him something else to fill his time.

The kids had a really great time on Halloween. I find it so strange that my kids are happy to go trick or treating, but the real excitement comes when we get home and they get to pass out the candy. When the doorbell rings, the thrill begins. Both kids run to the door to see who's on the other side. Jake made it perfectly clear he was ready to go home. After every house he would ask if we were going home. It may have something to do with the fact that the first house we went to the person was dressed up as some sort of swamp creature. It scared the heck out him. Every house thereafter he would say, "it's not scary? It's just a mommy or daddy?" Poor little guy.

Jake's birthday present that he finally decided to try out

He loves it!

Witch and Buzz

Auntie TT came out for the fun

Apparently walking isn't an option for Jake. Brent giving Jake a lift

Leia Glenn's first halloween. The cutest tinkerbell ever!

The girls won on Saturday 14-0. Brutal. Even the coach started asking the girls, "are you here to play or are you just watching this game." Our girls just dominate. Sunday was supposed to be a make-up game, but the team never showed. The girls played their dads for a short while, but were disappointed not to have a game. One coach told Aron that he didn't blame the other team for not showing up to play us. The other man said our name precedes us. Guess the secret is out...the Fire Foxes dominate!

Only two more soccer games left this season. I think we are all really sad that this season is coming to an end, even Jakey. It has truly been a blast! The girls are playing so well and we have some of the best parents ever! Jakey even asks if it's Fire Fox soccer time. It helps that he loves one of the girls on Alyssa's team. We had a soccer party bbq at our house yesterday after the game and when Kailey arrived he was beside himself. The minute she walked in the door he said ,"thank you for coming to my house Kailey." It was so cute! Everyone had a great time hanging out together off the soccer field. It's so fun to have 6 little girls together for 7 hours and not one single argument. Gotta love it!

No action for our defenders Kailey and Alyssa

Big D, Lissy! Way to block the shot!

Goal!!! Too bad I didn't catch it going in.

After many hours in the pool, the girls got out for some Just Dance and Just Dance 2 action. Everyone was in on the fun, parents, coaches and siblings. Cellphone still in the house (who cares if I only beat a 7 year old)

Sundays game against the dads and I was supposed to be defending. Oops! Apparently Lis didn't get her soccer skills from her mom.

This was a team shot from our rain out a few weeks ago. As you can see in the background no one else showed up. Kids sat in the back of Coach Aron's car watching a movie eating their snacks.

My straight A daughter for the first quarter! Way to go Alyssa!