Monday, June 28, 2010

Soccer camp and our house guest

After Alyssa attended her first UK International Soccer Camp last summer we decided it would be fun to host a coach this summer. So as soon as we registered Alyssa for camp this year we noted our interest in hosting a coach. We were fortunate enough to be a host and completely lucked out and got Amy! What are the chances that Amy was the only Scottish coach and her last name happens to be Young. The only Scottish family I know is my besties Michelle and she happens to be a Young! What a great sign! Amy was unbelievably easy going and so wonderful with the kids! They loved having her around. Every morning Jake would wake up and immediately say, "I go see Anie." He would head straight to her room to see her. Every night he would ask, "where Anie?" "Anie home?" (he couldn't seem to say Amy, just "Anie" unless he said Coach Amy). She was a real trooper having two kids who constantly wanted to be attached to her side. As Amy's stay was coming to an end we told Jake that Amy was going home. His response, "Anie is home." Ah!

Thank you to Amy for being so wonderful! Amy has a new soccer fan in Alyssa and thanks to Amy, Alyssa now has a new lucky headband.

Amy and Alyssa before camp

Every picture Jake took with Amy he did the head lean

Jakey practicing his skills at camp

Throw in during their World Cup. She was USA this year and as Alyssa would say, "we got butt kicked." (where on earth did she learn that?!?!!?)

Alyssa and Coach Marco at the end of camp (She said she was going to hang this picture on her wall. Apparently Jake wasn't the only one who developed a crush)

Jakey's upset (what's new) because awards are going to start and he can't be with the kids

Not 10 seconds later Jake walked to Marco to tell him very calmly what was wrong and Marco patiently listened to him (I love this picture)

Which turned into "rockets". Thanks, Marco!

Jake hanging with Marco at the bbq

Another host family held a bbq and these are the kids that stayed with Coach Eva (Jake and his head lean once again)

Jake with his two new favorite people

Alyssa (and her new lucky headband) and Coach Eva (her coach from Saturday's Striker Clinic)

Coach Eva teaching Alyssa how to "strike"

Alyssa was one of the youngest kids and one of the few girls at the clinic (Lis in her all boy breakout group...she didn't seem to mind)

All of the coaches on the last day of camp

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Jake loves spending time feeding the fish and turtles in the shopping center where Golden Spoon is. We get tasty yogurt and Jakey gets to watch and feed the fish. Always a fun outing.

Checking out the fish

The fish he loves to feed

The hat was a gift to Jake from the Getty's, NOT Sebastian, but that didn't stop him from wearing it all day long!

Happy Father's Day to Sebastian! We spent the day exactly as requested, at home, BBQ, and kids in the pool. His simple request was granted. The only bummer was that Father's Day is on Sunday, which means no late night jacuzzi, second dinner or kids running around in pajamas. Overall a great day! Thank you for being such a great Dad! The kids and I love you very much!!!

Missing tooth

Alyssa finally lost her upper tooth. It's been hanging on for days! She tried to pull it several days in a row with no success. I'm happy to report it fell out this morning. Whew! Wonder when she'll be ready to put this tooth under her pillow for the tooth fairy. She still has yet to put her last tooth under her pillow because she isn't ready.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Soccer Party

I didn't realize Sebastian took pictures at Alyssa's end of year soccer party a couple of weeks ago. Talk about doing it old school....the Orange Champions held their end of year soccer party at .....wait for it..........McDonald's! Not even kidding. The kids met there to play for a bit and have ice cream. How mellow and easy! Describes the season to a T!

Giana, Alyssa and Alex
The only 3 girls on the team

Friday, June 11, 2010

No longer a first grader

Alyssa's last day of first grade was Thursday. She is truly the only little girl I know who cries on the last day of school. This just shows how much she loves school and what a great decision we made switching schools. Whew!

CCA put on a great last day of school for the kids and to top it off they had free dress day. What a treat! They had 8 different stations for grades K-8 to participate in. A few of the stations set up; a jumpy, water balloon toss, races, soccer with a huge soccer ball, all followed by a school-wide pizza party. So much fun! Can't believe we have a SECOND GRADER! Yikes!

Sebastian and I with Jakob and Sean's parents in their empty classroom. My "kinder mom" friends.

I know she is going to be in second grade and all, but does that mean it's already time for her to tell me that no one understands her, when will I understand that she is old enough to do her own hair, immediately followed by what is your facebook password. Wow! I am not ready for the coming years!

Sebastian and I took Alyssa for a "date" day on her first day of summer to the Corvette Diner followed by shopping. We were on a hunt for a particular pair of tennis shoes. We hit up about 6 different stores before she found the "perfect" pair of shoes. I wonder who she takes after. Ha ha! We rounded the day out by seeing Shrek the Final Chapter at the drive-in. That's always an interesting experience. Jake was able to crawl around the car and watch his DVD player once he got bored with the movie. Definitely made for a more pleasant experience for all. We'll be heading back to the drive-in for Toy Story 3. This time I think we'll have to take the truck and camp out in the back. Exciting!

Corvette Diner

Drive in

Alyssa the second grader!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Indoor Soccer Season is Over

Alyssa's school held their "Academy Awards" night on Friday. We are so proud of her for earning 3 medals at awards night. She received medals for earning Academic Excellence, Principal's Award and Christian Leadership all 4 quarters this school year. She had a wonderful year in 1st grade. She is the only kid I know who is sad that summer is coming. She may be sad, but the parents are ready for a summer break!

Proudly showing her 3 medals! Way to go, baby!

Saturday was the last game of the season for the Orange Champions. They only lost one game the entire season. It was great to see how much Alyssa learned and improved playing with this team. It was definitely an adjustment for her playing with boys, older kids and a goalie, but in the end, it was a valuable learning experience. Her coach was truly wonderful! We initially signed Alyssa up to keep her busy and active. We weren't expecting her to learn so much. The coach payed her a wonderful compliment by asking her to return to his team next year. We are so proud...and she is so excited because she had so much fun and did I mention, loves the coaches son. And so it begins.... :)

Alyssa warming up with her favorite teammate to the right

Great kick!

We enjoyed a family lunch date at Pizza Port in OB on Sunday. Yummy food and good friends, what a great Sunday afternoon. To top it off the kids enjoyed an impromptu walk to the beach to look for seashells. What a great way to end the weekend!

Isa and Alyssa

Look how excited the kids are! Running to the beach to search for seashells

You didn't actually think Jake was going to sit in the sand? He sat on the walkway by the sand and wouldn't even let me take his shoes off.

Isa and Alyssa beginning their search for shells